How Long Does It Take to Straighten Teeth Using Invisalign?

Dental technology has advanced to the point that it is possible to straighten teeth with Invisalign clear aligners in shockingly little time. It was not long ago when it took upward of several years to straighten teeth. Back then, orthodontists relied on metal braces that slowly moved teeth into the proper positions. The era of wires and brackets is over. Invisalign has emerged as the go-to method for teeth-straightening.
The merits of Invisalign
There is no reason to allow teeth to remain crooked or poorly spaced when they can be straightened through Invisalign. This dental treatment lets patients live their life in a completely normal manner as the ideal smile quickly takes shape. Invisalign requires comparably few doctor visits compared to other teeth-straightening solutions. These invisible aligners produce fast results that stand the test of time.
Aside from translucency that improves patient confidence, Invisalign clear aligners are revered for the fact that they produce results without an extensive delay. Invisalign moves a couple teeth at the same time so movements occur in a coordinated manner. This strategic approach to teeth-straightening typically produces results faster than other options.
How long does it take for Invisalign to work its magic?
In most cases, Invisalign proves effective in a year’s time or less. However, it can take upward of a year and a half for Invisalign to straighten out wayward teeth. Invisalign works so quickly because it is the cutting edge of dental technology. The masterminds behind dental tech advances like Invisalign have made remarkable strides in the past couple years.
Those who desire a perfectly straight smile no longer have to wait several years for conventional metal braces to straighten their teeth. Give Invisalign about a year, and it will produce noticeable results, and onlookers will have no idea this teeth-straightening solution is in the mouth. Invisalign is fully customized for each patient’s unique set of teeth.
The time required for Invisalign teeth straightening differs by patient
Adult patients typically find that their teeth straighten out after about a year of Invisalign use. However, each unique patient will experience nuanced results that manifest at different times. The time necessary for teeth-straightening with Invisalign differs by patient age ,as well as a number of other factors, such as the degree to which the teeth in question are crooked or improperly spaced.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with Visalia Care Dental, request an appointment in our Visalia dental office here: Or call us at (559) 975-1213.
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